2024-09-01 Adam Ondra #CR dal Flow State 8C, L’oppio dei climbers 8B+, Blue Arrow 8A+, Flow 8B, Grizzly 8B (FL), thor…the queen 8A, Orkaloka 8A (FL), Salto Della Rana 8A+, La legge del taglione 8A+, Piccolo ma caratteristico 8A #ValDaone Palace on the goathill 8A, Sunshowers 8A (FL), Invader of the Kingdom 8A+, Felberqueen 8B (FL), Big Ben 8A+ #Felbertauern #CR #Felbertauern #ValDaone
2022-06-20 Mojmír “Cyril” Kandrík #SR dal Libre 8A+, Schluck du Bruder 8A, Twisted Moonlight direct 8A, Afterlife soft 8A #Felbertal #Felbertauern #Felbertal #Felbertauern #SR